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28 jun 20211 Min. de lectura
June 28th International LGTBIQ+ Pride Day
28 de junio Día Internacional del Orgullo LGTBIQ+ #NetCare #LGBTIQ+ #inmigrantes #refugiados #ViolenciadeGénero #Psicología...
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28 may 20211 Min. de lectura
II Network Meeting in Italy
(21/12/2020). The second meeting, held on December 21st, was attended by 25 people, representatives of health services, in particular...
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25 feb 20211 Min. de lectura
II Network Meeting in Greece.
The second network meeting concerning the sectors of social care services and legal services took place on 9.10.2020. The social care...
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22 feb 20211 Min. de lectura
The first network meeting in Greece
KMOP and Generation 2.0 organised the first network meeting of the health sector on 18.9.2020, with the participation of 12 professionals...
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19 feb 20211 Min. de lectura
II Network Meeting in Italy
The second meeting, held on December 21st, was attended by 25 people, representatives of health services, in particular women health...
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17 feb 20211 Min. de lectura
First Network Meeting in Italy
On 19/11/2020 the first ad hoc meeting was held with Dr. Vittoria Doretti, responsible for the code of the Rose of the Tuscany region, in...
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3 feb 20211 Min. de lectura
Net Care, Oxfam trains 60 mediators for anti-violence centers
Net Care, Oxfam trains 60 mediators for anti-violence centers #NetCare #immigrati #rifugiatori #GenderViolenza #formazione...
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25 ene 20211 Min. de lectura
Training for trainers in Italy
Alice Cooperativa Sociale Onlus ha appena terminato la seconda formazione per formatori, la nostra prima, il tema principale era "I...
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18 ene 20211 Min. de lectura
The trainer of trainers course
Attualmente in Italia si sta svolgendo il corso per la formazione dei formatori con la partecipazione di 31 persone. In questo momento si...
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7 ene 20211 Min. de lectura
Every day 10 women turn to the region's anti-violence centres.
Ogni giorno 10 donne si rivolgono ai centri anti-violenza della regione. Oxfam in campo con un corso di formazione per per 60 mediatori e...
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9 nov 20201 Min. de lectura
In Greece, Generation 2.0 and KMOP organized the first online networking meeting
Στην Ελλάδα, οι Generation 2.0 και KMOP διοργάνωσαν την πρώτη διαδικτυακή συνάντηση δικτύωσης στις 18 Σεπτεμβρίου, με βασικούς...
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4 nov 20201 Min. de lectura
Oxfam, Net Care: la rete che aiuta donne vittime di abusi #NetCare #immigrati...
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12 oct 20201 Min. de lectura
Corsi di formazione in Italia
The training was very participatory: everyone contributed thanks to their background and solid experiences in working with migrant and...
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9 oct 20201 Min. de lectura
This is the story: we are looking for security
Esta es la historia: buscamos seguridad #Refugiados/as #Asilo @CEARefugio #MarasOirVerYCallar #Corto #NominaciónGoya2020. #Romperbarreras...
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1 oct 20201 Min. de lectura
The Net-Care course for cultural mediators in Italy
Il corso Net-Care per mediatori culturali ha lo scopo di formare personale per identificare e sostenere le vittime di violenza di genere...
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11 sept 20201 Min. de lectura
KMOP news
Il membro del Consiglio Greco per i Rifugiati ha dichiarato l'importanza di una formazione ed ucativa per entrambi i sessi con...
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9 sept 20201 Min. de lectura
Centre for Research on Women's
La rappresentante del Centro di ricerca sulle questioni femminili citata: I programmi di integrazione e di educazione daranno potere...
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26 ago 20201 Min. de lectura
Riunione del team di Alice Cooperativa Sociale Onlus per coordinare i corsi di formazione
Riunione del team di Alice Cooperativa Sociale Onlus per coordinare i corsi di formazione del progetto NET-CARE...
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21 ago 20201 Min. de lectura
Adaptation actions for COVID-19
Azioni di adattamento per COVID-19 #NetCare #immigrati #rifugiatori #GenderViolenza #formazione #lavoro-sociale #Psicologia #COVID19...
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4 ago 20201 Min. de lectura
Measures during Covid-19 de Alice Cooperativa Sociale Onlus
Misure durante Covid-19 de Alice Cooperativa Sociale Onlus #NetCare #Immigrati #Rifugio #Violenzadigenere #psicologia #assistenzasociale...
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News: Blog2
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