June 28th International LGTBIQ+ Pride Day
II Network Meeting in Italy
II Network Meeting in Greece.
The first network meeting in Greece
II Network Meeting in Italy
First Network Meeting in Italy
Net Care, Oxfam trains 60 mediators for anti-violence centers
Training for trainers in Italy
The trainer of trainers course
Every day 10 women turn to the region's anti-violence centres.
In Greece, Generation 2.0 and KMOP organized the first online networking meeting
Oxfam, Net Care: la rete che aiuta donne vittime di abusi
Corsi di formazione in Italia
This is the story: we are looking for security
The Net-Care course for cultural mediators in Italy
KMOP news
Centre for Research on Women's
Riunione del team di Alice Cooperativa Sociale Onlus per coordinare i corsi di formazione
Adaptation actions for COVID-19
Measures during Covid-19 de Alice Cooperativa Sociale Onlus