NET-CARE31 jul 20201 Min. de lecturaOnline course for cultural mediatorsReunión de todos los partners para organizar el curso online de mediadores culturales que se realizará a mediados de septiembre. #NetCare...
NET-CARE30 jul 20201 Min. de lecturaNet-Care- Συμμετέχων από το Εθνικό Κέντρο Κοινωνικής Αλληλεγγύης στην ομάδα εστίασης: Οι ευπάθειες των θυμάτων του SGBV αυξάνονται, καθώς οι...
NET-CARE24 jul 20201 Min. de lecturaPromemoria-ReminderPromemoria - In Italia Oxfam Italia Intercultura, Alice soc. coop. e il Global Health Center hanno organizzato sette focus group per...
NET-CARE22 jul 20201 Min. de lecturaFocus group a Oxfam Italia- Alcuni dei medici coinvolti hanno riferito: nel 2000 il personale medico era solito lavorare di più sul fenomeno della violenza...
NET-CARE13 jul 20201 Min. de lecturaRefugee Day (June 20th)Refugee Day (June 20th) #NetCare #immigrants #refugees #GenderViolence #Psychology...
NET-CARE9 jul 20201 Min. de lecturaResearchers' nightThe UJA team together with ASEIS coordinates the proposal of activities to be carried out in the researchers' night. #NetCare #immigrants...
NET-CARE8 jul 20201 Min. de lecturaStoryThe person who has my passport, he's a liar. He says, give me the money and I'll send it to you. I send it, he takes it and then gives me...