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26 feb 20211 Min. de lectura
The "Trainer of Trainers" course is currently being developed online in Spain
The "Trainer of Trainers" course is currently being developed online in Spain. The course is intended to broaden the skills of these...
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25 feb 20211 Min. de lectura
II Network Meeting in Greece.
The second network meeting concerning the sectors of social care services and legal services took place on 9.10.2020. The social care...
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22 feb 20211 Min. de lectura
The first network meeting in Greece
KMOP and Generation 2.0 organised the first network meeting of the health sector on 18.9.2020, with the participation of 12 professionals...
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19 feb 20211 Min. de lectura
II Network Meeting in Italy
The second meeting, held on December 21st, was attended by 25 people, representatives of health services, in particular women health...
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17 feb 20211 Min. de lectura
First Network Meeting in Italy
On 19/11/2020 the first ad hoc meeting was held with Dr. Vittoria Doretti, responsible for the code of the Rose of the Tuscany region, in...
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12 feb 20211 Min. de lectura
The UJA trains cultural mediators
(22/10/2020). The UJA trains cultural mediators in the field of sexual and gender-based violence in migrants, refugees and asylum...
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9 feb 20211 Min. de lectura
Jaén Newspaper (23/10/2020). Cultural mediation course.
Jaén Newspaper (23/10/2020). Cultural mediation course. #NetCare #immigrants #refugees #GenderViolence #Psychology #SocialWork Diario...
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3 feb 20211 Min. de lectura
Net Care, Oxfam trains 60 mediators for anti-violence centers
Net Care, Oxfam trains 60 mediators for anti-violence centers #NetCare #immigrati #rifugiatori #GenderViolenza #formazione...
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1 feb 20211 Min. de lectura
3º Newsletter
The third Newsletter of the Net-Care project is published today, which includes the progress and activities that have been carried out in...
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27 ene 20211 Min. de lectura
Courso online
Currently, a course is being developed on "Training and Sensitisation in dealing with victims of gender and sexual violence among...
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25 ene 20211 Min. de lectura
Training for trainers in Italy
Alice Cooperativa Sociale Onlus ha appena terminato la seconda formazione per formatori, la nostra prima, il tema principale era "I...
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22 ene 20211 Min. de lectura
Love Has No Labels
El amor no tiene etiquetas #NetCare #inmigrantes #refugiados #ViolenciadeGénero #Psicología #TrabajoSocial Love Has No Labels #NetCare...
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18 ene 20211 Min. de lectura
The trainer of trainers course
Attualmente in Italia si sta svolgendo il corso per la formazione dei formatori con la partecipazione di 31 persone. In questo momento si...
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13 ene 20211 Min. de lectura
What is happening in the world with sexual diversity?
¿Qué pasa en el mundo con la diversidad sexual? #NetCare #inmigrantes #refugiados #ViolenciadeGénero #Psicología #TrabajoSocial What is...
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11 ene 20211 Min. de lectura
HollySiz - The Light
HollySiz - La Luz #NetCare #inmigrantes #refugiados #ViolenciadeGénero #Psicología #TrabajoSocial HollySiz - The Light #NetCare...
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8 ene 20211 Min. de lectura
Hell at home: why no one knew anything when a sexist crime is committed
El infierno en casa: por qué nadie sabía nada cuando se comete un crimen machista. #NetCare #inmigrantes #refugiados #ViolenciadeGénero...
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7 ene 20211 Min. de lectura
Every day 10 women turn to the region's anti-violence centres.
Ogni giorno 10 donne si rivolgono ai centri anti-violenza della regione. Oxfam in campo con un corso di formazione per per 60 mediatori e...
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31 dic 20201 Min. de lectura
Amnesty International, some facts about homosexuality
Amnistía Internacional, algunos datos sobre la homosexualidad. #NetCare #inmigrantes #refugiados #ViolenciadeGénero #Psicología...
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30 dic 20201 Min. de lectura
Article by The Conversation
¿Qué es lo que explica la violencia extrema y, especialmente, de las fuerzas que deberían proteger a la ciudadanía? Los resultados de un...
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28 dic 20201 Min. de lectura
6 pubs contre l'homophobie - Amnesty International
6 anuncios contra la homofobia - Amnistía Internacional #NetCare #inmigrantes #refugiados #ViolenciadeGénero #Psicología #TrabajoSocial...
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