International Women's Day
Online Training on sexual and gender-based violence in migration
The "Trainer of Trainers" course is currently being developed online in Spain
The UJA trains cultural mediators
Jaén Newspaper (23/10/2020). Cultural mediation course.
Courso online
Love Has No Labels
What is happening in the world with sexual diversity?
HollySiz - The Light
Hell at home: why no one knew anything when a sexist crime is committed
Amnesty International, some facts about homosexuality
Article by The Conversation
6 pubs contre l'homophobie - Amnesty International
Children, COVID-19, vaccines and Africa, refugees
Merry Christmas
Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender, transsexual and intersex people are still persecuted in many
Refugees cannot be left out of COVID-19 response plans
Dismantling hoaxes
The coronavirus cannot rob refugees of their right to education.
Researchers’ Night: A different journey.