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8 jul 20212 Min. de lectura
International conference
TODAY BEGINS the international conference "Sexual and gender-based violence against migrant and refugee population. The impact of the...
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7 jul 20211 Min. de lectura
First online networking in Greece
(13/10/2020) Εργαζόμαστε αδιάκοπα για την προώθηση της κοινωνικής ένταξης των μεταναστών και προσφύγων θυμάτων βίας λόγω φύλου. Σε αυτό...
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5 jul 20211 Min. de lectura
Final conference of the Net-Care project on July 8 from 10:30 to 12:30.
Final conference of the Net-Care project on July 8 from 10:30 to 12:30. Sexual and gender-based violence against migrant and refugee...
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24 jun 20211 Min. de lectura
How the pandemic affected the management of cases of sexual and gender-based violence
How the pandemic affected the management of cases of sexual and gender-based violence against immigrants #NetCare #immigrants #refugees...
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21 jun 20211 Min. de lectura
Sexual and Gender Violence against Immigrants in Lockdown Conditions
Σεξουαλική και Έμφυλη βία κατά μεταναστών/ριών σε συνθήκες lockdown #NetCare #immigrants #refugees #GenderViolence #Psychology...
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9 jun 20211 Min. de lectura
Fourth Stering Committee
Yesterday 08/06/2021 was held the fourth Stering Committee to organize the Final Conference of the Project that will be held in Brussels...
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20 may 20211 Min. de lectura
Training in Greece aimed at Cultural Mediators and Interpreters
(14/04/2021). In the framework of the Net – Care project, KMOP and Generation 2.0 RED organized a training in Greece aimed at Cultural...
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19 may 20211 Min. de lectura
(04/03/2021). Third meeting of the network in Greece.
(04/03/2021). Third meeting of the network in Greece. The legal services network meeting was attended by 9 professionals from various...
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5 may 20211 Min. de lectura
Focus group
#NetCare #inmigrantes #refugiados #ViolenciadeGénero #Psicología #TrabajoSocial #Educación #NetCare #immigrants #refugees...
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27 abr 20211 Min. de lectura
#NetCare #inmigrantes #refugiados #ViolenciadeGénero #Psicología #TrabajoSocial #Educación #NetCare #immigrants #refugees...
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14 abr 20211 Min. de lectura
Training for Cultural Mediators and Interpreters in Greece
In the framework of the Net – Care project, KMOP and Generation 2.0 RED organized a training in Greece aimed at Cultural Mediators and...
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2 abr 20211 Min. de lectura
Online course in Greece
Διαδικτυακό μάθημα στην Ελλάδα "Πρόληψη και αντίδραση στη σεξουαλική και σεξουαλική βία στη μετανάστευση" #NetCare #μετανάστες #πρόσφυγας...
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4 mar 20211 Min. de lectura
Third meeting of the network in Greece.
Third meeting of the network in Greece. The legal services network meeting was attended by 9 professionals from various authorities and...
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2 mar 20211 Min. de lectura
Online Training on sexual and gender-based violence in migration
Currently, the project has promoted the development of Online Training on sexual and gender-based violence in migration. This course has...
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25 feb 20211 Min. de lectura
II Network Meeting in Greece.
The second network meeting concerning the sectors of social care services and legal services took place on 9.10.2020. The social care...
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22 feb 20211 Min. de lectura
The first network meeting in Greece
KMOP and Generation 2.0 organised the first network meeting of the health sector on 18.9.2020, with the participation of 12 professionals...
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9 nov 20201 Min. de lectura
In Greece, Generation 2.0 and KMOP organized the first online networking meeting
Στην Ελλάδα, οι Generation 2.0 και KMOP διοργάνωσαν την πρώτη διαδικτυακή συνάντηση δικτύωσης στις 18 Σεπτεμβρίου, με βασικούς...
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31 jul 20201 Min. de lectura
Online course for cultural mediators
Reunión de todos los partners para organizar el curso online de mediadores culturales que se realizará a mediados de septiembre. #NetCare...
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30 jul 20201 Min. de lectura
- Συμμετέχων από το Εθνικό Κέντρο Κοινωνικής Αλληλεγγύης στην ομάδα εστίασης: Οι ευπάθειες των θυμάτων του SGBV αυξάνονται, καθώς οι...
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News: Blog2
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